Texas Gulf Coast Council of Diving Clubs
The Gulf Restoration Network hopes to influence the Gulf of Mexico Alliance, a regional coalition of state and federal agencies and non-profits to address climate change. The Alliance was formed a few years ago when Gulf state governors recognized that environmental and economic problems do not stop at each state's border and that each state along the Gulf was tied to the success and health of the Gulf of Mexico. See http://www.gulfofmexicoalliance.org for more information.
The Alliance has six priority teams responsible for protecting the environmental and economic resources of the Gulf of Mexico. Unfortunately, climate change was not made a priority. Some of the teams address sea level rise but are not looking into all the different impacts that climate changes will bring to our coast. We have an opportunity to change that this winter when the Alliance writes their new five-year Action Plan.
Also, each state's government will host a series of public workshops to gather public comment on the new action plan. Texas has yet to announce the locations or dates, but GRN will be happy to notify you when we learn the details, if you so request.
Meanwhile, we have prepared the attached Sign-on letter addressed to Gulf state governors asking them to direct their Alliance appointees to create a Climate Change priority team. We are accepting signatures until December 15th, 2008, hoping for as many co-signers as possible. To sign on to the letter, please contact casey@healthygulf.org; she would like names, titles and associations. You can sign as an individual (with organizational information for identification purposes) or on behalf of your organization.
Thank you so much for your support,

Casey DeMoss Roberts
Gulf Restoration Network
o 504-525-1528 ext. 212
c 504-982-0468